Attach the pump hose to the pump. Make sure it is not cross-thread.
Step 2
Remove the outer valve cap cover from the board.
Step 3
Ensure the valve is in the up position.
(The valve has 2 positions. Up position for inflation and storage, down position for deflation. Adjust by pushing it slightly and turning it)
Step 4
Insert the hose into the valve port then push and turn clock-wise until snug.
(Note: You may need to push hard before turning. Be careful to turn the mouth of the hose only. Do not twist the hose itself.)
Step 5
Pump using an up and down motion until the needle reads 12-14 PSI. Do not exceed max pressure of 15 PSI.
(Note: If your pump has a little plug on a string near the top, you have a two-stage pump. Put the plug in the hole and tighten for two-stage inflation. Remove the plug when pulling up becomes awkward for one-stage inflation.)
Step 6
Remove the pump and replace the outer valve cap. You're ready to go!